

By serving in Kingdom Embassy South Africa you are becoming a carrier of God’s prescence. In the Book of Exodus, the prescence of God was carried by more than one person. We need each other to bring God’s life changing prescence to the people in our communities.

Carrying the tabernacle required that they walk in-sync and in-step so as to be careful that they move forward together and not stumble. Similarly today, it requires oneness of mind, planning and consideration of each other’s walk to move forward in God’s glory.

If you are team player and would like to carry God’s prescence in our church then sign up. Greatness awaits you!

Greatness starts with serving indeed. Jesus said:

But he that is greatest among you shall be your servant.

Matthew 23:11

May God bless you as you consider serving in God’s house, Kindom Embassy South Africa. Simply fill out the application form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.